
Fahrenheit 451 Quizzes Part 2

Part two: The sieve and the sand

  1. What is Montag reading only before the Mechanical Hound come to the business firm? What should the hound's arrival signal to Montag? What is his reaction?
  • Montag is reading the Letters to Sir William Temple. The Hound's arrival indicates that someone is watching him, only Montag ignores the Hound.

ii) What is montag's reaction when he hears the jets overhead?

  • Montag gets frustrated when he hears the jets considering he does non like the fact that state of war can interruption out at any time.

3) What retention comes to Montag as a source of help in his strange gild?

  • Montag's memory of the sieve he tried to carry sand in came to his heed when he thought nigh trying to memorize the Bible.

iv) Why does Faber refuse to answer Montag'southward questions over the phone?

  • Faber refused to answer questions over the phone because he did not know who was listening and if Montag was setting him up.

5) What is the significance of the conversation between Montag and Mildred before Montag    leaves the house?

  • The conversation that Montag and Mildred had before he left showed how shallow she was and that she was set in her ways.

6) What happens on the subway? Why is the advertisement for Denham'due south Dentifrice important?

  • i

vii) What does Faber say about his own history?

  • Faber tells of how he was around when books were banned, merely instead of protesting he was a coward and stayed tranquillity because no one was backing him upward.

8) What does Faber say near Jesus? What does this say most the controllers of the order?

  • Faber says that Christ is now ane of the "family unit" and the society has dressed him downward to His original glory. This shows that order filters things to change the opinions of the people.

9) Why does Montag think books could brand him happy?

  • Montag thinks books can make him happy because he hasn't had them before, and if he as not happy without them then perchance the books were what brought happiness.

10) Faber says that the books themselves are not the primal to happiness, but three other factors are. What factors does Faber cite equally being crucial to happiness?

  • 1) Quality of information
  • 2) Leisure
  • 3) Right to conduct out actions based on the offset 2

11) Explain what Faber ways by quality of data.

  • Quality of data means that the books take features, telling item and fresh detail. Books evidence the raw, unpainted view of life.

12) What does Faber mean by leisure?

  • When Faber uses the word leisure, he does not mean chilling and watching goggle box, he ways placidity time to actually recall.

thirteen) What is Faber'due south third factor required for happiness?

  • The 3rd factor is the right to call back critically and carry out actions based on the unlike perspectives presented by the authors of books.

14) How does Montag coerce Faber into becoming his teacher?

  • Montag coerce Faber into condign his teacher by presenting an under-thought plan so that Faber would leap in and requite his opinion and formulate a better plan. The more Faber helped Montag the more than live he felt.

15) How does Faber equip Montag to bargain with Captain Beatty?

  • Faber tells Montag to use a "bullet" which fits in Montag'due south ear and allows Faber to feed words to Montag every bit he speaks to Beatty.

xvi) Why does the author weave in reminders that a war is imminent?

  • The author weaves reminders that the war is imminent to prove how the people are "dead" and foreshadows the bombing at the finish.

17) Describe the confrontation between Montag and the ladies who come up to visit Mildred. What does the scene say virtually the life women lived in society?

  • Montag reads poetry to the women because he is mad that they are ignorant and  he wants them to outset thinking deeper. THis section showed that the women were very shallow and obsessed with technology.

xviii) What does Montag realize about how he will be changed by Knowing Faber?

  • Montag realizes that he will become a more than intelligent and improved person, and as he looked back in the hereafter he would see how stupid he was.

19) How does Captain Beatty behave toward Montag at the firehouse?

  • Captain Beatty starts acting weird at the poker table and tells Montag of a dream where they were fighting with literary quotes.

20) Where do the firemen go when they receive the alarm? Why would they become there?

  • The firemen get in at Montag'southward house when they received the alert considering the Mechanical Hound had discovered all of Montag's books.


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